Positive Affirmations

If your thoughts are weakened or negatively inclined, you attract negativity. Sometimes, life may affect you in ways you wouldn’t have chosen for yourself especially in the season of grit and keeping it all together can be daunting. With so much on your plate to handle, the need to have your mindset in check and sounded in positivity is extremely important because your thoughts become your words and words are powerful.  They can set you on the right path or they can distort your journey. What we say matters. One way of redeeming positivity through our words is with positive affirmations.

Affirmations are positive words pronounced to charge strength and induct positivity, they serve as reminders to help you overcome challenges, stress, and obstacles. Positive affirmations reflect how you want your life to be, using definite terms like ‘’I can”,” I will”,” I am in charge”,” I am in control”,” I am deserving”,” I am worthy” and so on.

Try a few of these:

  • I am in control of how I react, show up and give love.
  • I will focus on doing my part in the best way I know how to.
  • I am so much more than my mistakes.
  • I am growing from my past.
  • I am learning from my shortcomings.
  • I am abundantly blessed.
  • I have a purpose.
  • I am loved.
  • I feel good, I feel great!
  • I am strong.
  • I will act with love in all my actions.